**************************************************************************** **** This is a work-around to prevent 3dfx cards enabling themselves in **** **** all full screen DOS sessions after abnormal termination of a DOS **** **** based 3dfx application. **** **************************************************************************** PLEASE NOTE: This is not an official fix provided by 3dfx Inc, nor do I work for 3dfx nor am I affiliated with 3dfx in any way. I just own one of their products! I am an owner of a 3dfx based Righteous 3D video card, and am very pleased with it. However, I noticed a very annoying bug in the drivers provided with the card. When a 3dfx application terminates abnormally (sometimes even when it ends like normal), the next time I try and go into a full screen DOS session, my computer thinks the Righteous 3D is active and displays what is in the Righteous 3D frame buffer. This results in my monitor turning completely black. I found a very simple solution to this problem, however, just by writing a simple little batch file to run a program 3dfx provides to force the display back to the 2-D card. Files Included in this thing: ----------------------------- FSDOS.BAT An example batch file (should work for most people) PASS.EXE A utility 3dfx provides to manually switch to the 2-D card README.TXT What you are reading FILE_ID.DIZ For BBS purposes How to use this simple fix: --------------------------- *************************************************************************** MAKE SURE YOU PUT PASS.EXE IN YOUR C:\WINDOWS DIRECTORY (or some other directory in the search path) !!!!!! Otherwise it won't be found and your DOS session will give a "Bad command or filename" error. *************************************************************************** 1. Create a directory, and in there place the included files. 2. Somehow edit the properties of any or all of your MS-DOS Prompt shortcuts. What I did was open a DOS prompt like normal and force the display into a windowed mode. Then click on the "Properties" button at the top (looks like a hand holding a piece of paper). 3. Go to "Program" and next to a field that says "Batch File" there should be a blank. Put the full pathname to the batch file that runs PASS.EXE in this blank (FSDOS.BAT in this case) and apply these changes. 4. Repeat this process for any and all DOS sessions that are affected by the problem. *************************************************************************** MAKE SURE YOU PUT PASS.EXE IN YOUR C:\WINDOWS DIRECTORY (or some other directory in the search path) !!!!!! Otherwise it won't be found and your DOS session will give a "Bad command or filename" error. *************************************************************************** Here is whats in the batch file: @echo off pass.exe Thats it! If a DOS based game has created a shortcut on your Start Menu and you need to run this PASS.EXE program to switch the screen to the 2-D card, just edit the game's Properties like before and see what happens. I have used this method and closed Tomb Raider down while running, and the next MS-DOS prompt comes up in full screen perfectly by using this method. Feel free to edit the batch file to your needs, I just provided it mainly as an example. Have fun... Robbie Diehl E-Mail: lepper@parodius.com Disclaimer: ----------- If for some reason your computer spontaneously combusts, or something else goes wrong as a result of applying this work-around, I am not responsible! The included exe was not programmed by me, it was written by 3dfx and originally included in their S3 fix for 864/964/868/968 based cards. I just decided to include it with a batch file and procedural description for convenience sake.